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December 19, 2010
A Festival of Lessons and Carols, Christ Episcopal Church, Dearborn (MI)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Gloria [Renaissance Voices, con. Kevin Dewey]
December 15, 2010
Ensemble TIMF Concert Series ‘Korean Composers’, Youngsan Art Hall, Seoul/Korea.
Performance of: Tempestuous [Ensemble TIMF, pf: Sooyun Lim]
December 7, 2010
Radio New Zealand Concert (RNZ) - Sound Lounge, ISCM Electronics present A Wealth of Sound, Wellington/New Zealand.
Performance of: Black Arrow [Ensemble Offspring, bcl. Jason Noble]
December 5, 2010
HFCC Winter Choral Concert, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Dearborn (MI)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Gloria [Renaissance Voices, con. Kevin Dewey]
XXX Festival BBK de Músicas Actuales, BBK Aretoa, Madrid/Spain.
Performance of: Resting in Light [Laboratorio de Interpretación Musical, con. Jesus Villar Rojo]
October 8, 2010
10 Jahre Campuskultur ensemble xx. jahrhundert, Danube University Krems, Krems/Austria.
Performance of: Descending Flow [ensemble xx. Jahrhundert, Gayageum. Youngae Huh, con. Peter Burwik]
October 5, 2010 - World Premiere
Soyeon Kim’s Piano Recital, Salle Cortot, Paris/France.
Performance of: Tempestuous [piano. Soyeon Kim]
August 23, 2010
Image & Imagination Performance - Le Miroir des Eaux, (Jayu Thearer) Seoul Arts Center/Seoul, Korea.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine [film director: Seo-ou Choi, choreographer: Yeonok Paik, Universal Ballet Company]
August 22, 2010
Image & Imagination Performance - Le Miroir des Eaux, (Jayu Thearer) Seoul Arts Center/Seoul, Korea.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine [film director: Seo-ou Choi, choreographer: Yeonok Paik, Universal Ballet Company]
August 22, 2010
Image & Imagination Performance - Le Miroir des Eaux, (Jayu Thearer) Seoul Arts Center/Seoul, Korea.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine [film director: Seo-ou Choi, choreographer: Yeonok Paik, Universal Ballet Company]
August 4, 2010
The Encuentro Internacional de Clarinetes, Auditori Nelly Goitino, Montevideo/Spain.
Performance of: Black Arrow [bcl. Harry Sparnaay]
June 19, 2010
The SoundON Festival of Modern Music, La Jolla (CA)/USA.
Performance of: Shades of Raindrops [ensemble NOISE]
June 6, 2010 - World Premiere
DUO SONORITY Joint recital, Tochigiken sougou bunka center, Tochigi/Japan.
Performances of: Amabile Saki [vn. Haruko Imai / pf. Tomoko Ono]
June 5, 2010 - World Premiere
Portrait Sungji Hong by Ensemble Linea: CHAMPS LIBRES 2010, Le Maillon Hautepierre, Strasbourg/France.
Performances of: Sweetness of Stars (World Premiere) / Flash /Black Arrow [fl. Keiko Murakami / vn. Maiko Matsuoka / bcl.Yuko Fukumae]
May 7.05.2010
ABC CLASSIC FM-ISCM Electronics present A Wealth of Sound, Sydney/Australia.
Performance of: Black Arrow [Ensemble Offspring, bcl. Jason Noble]
May 4, 2010 - World Premiere
Laboratorio de Interpretación Musical, Iglesia de Los Remedios, Guadalajara/Spain.
Performance of: Resting in Light [Laboratorio de Interpretación Musical, con. Jesus Villar Rojo]
May 4, 2010
ISCM World Music Days, the Eugene Goossens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Sydney/Australia.
Performance of: Black Arrow [Ensemble Offspring, bcl. Jason Noble]
April 18, 2010
X FESTIVAL MUJERES EN LA MÚSICA DE GETXO 2010, Escuela de Musica Andres Isasi, Getxo (Pais Vasco)/Spain.
Performance of: Black Arrow [bcl. Harry Sparnaay]
March 31, 2010
Classical Discoveries: In Praise of Woman, WPRB 103.3 FM, Princeton (NJ)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine [Trio Mediaeval]
March 27, 2010
Elektramusic at TAPS Strasbourg: ‘White Card’ Series, Taps theatre, Strasbourg/France.
Performance of: Black Arrow [bcl.Yuko Fukumae]
March 26, 2010
Elektramusic at TAPS Strasbourg: ‘White Card’ Series, Taps theatre, Strasbourg/France.
Performance of: Black Arrow [bcl.Yuko Fukumae]
March 14, 2010
Caput Ensemble Concert Series, The Icelandic Academy for the Arts, Reykjavík/Iceland.
Performance of: Luminous Flux [con. Gudni Franzson, Caput Ensemble]
March 13, 2010
Ballet Performance: Deconstructing Joy, Joyce SoHo, New York (NY)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Agnus Dei [choreographer & Dancer. Kim Gibilisco]
March 12, 2010
Ballet Performance: Deconstructing Joy, Joyce SoHo, New York (NY)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Agnus Dei [choreographer. Kim Gibilisco]
March 11, 2010 Ballet Performance: Deconstructing Joy, Joyce SoHo, New York (NY)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Agnus Dei [choreographer. Kim Gibilisco]
February 20, 2010
Orpheus Soloists: Chamber Music Concert Series, the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki/Greece.
Performance of: The Beethoven Frieze [Orpheus Soloists]
January 9, 2010
Eastern Lights-Seattle Pro Musica, La conner (WA)/USA.
Performance of: Missa Lumen de Lumine, Sanctus [con. Karen P. Thomas, Seattle Pro Musica]