S e l e c t e d A w a r d s
-Civitella Ranieri Foundation - 2024/2025 Civitella Ranieri Fellowship [2023]
-John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation - Guggenheim Fellowship [2022]
-American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Awards - Charles Ives Fellowship [2022]
-Associate of the Royal Academy of Music (ARAM) [2022]
-Fromm Foundation Commission [2004, 2019]
-The National Flute Association Commission [2018]
-Ilshin Composition Prize 일신작곡상 [2011]
-Kumho Asiana Cultural Foundation Commission for Hae-Sun Kang 금호아시아나문화재단 위촉 [2008]
-Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Commission for the Unsuk Chin's 'Ars Nova' Series 서울시향 진은숙의 '아르스노바 시리즈' 위촉 [2008]
-Tongyeoung International Music Festival Commission 통영국제음악제 위촉 [2005, 2007]
P r i z e s
Recipient of the Charles Ives Fellowship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, she has received 50 distinctions for her compositions: First Prize (15), Second Prize (3), Third Prize (2), Honorable Mention (6), Finalist (6), grants (7) and scholarships (9).
[ 1 s t P R I Z E S ]
2021 The Kazimierz Serocki 17th International Composers’ Competition, Warsaw/Poland - [1st Prize among 112 submissions].
2020 Syrinx Solo Flute Composers Competition, Flute School London, London/UK.
2013 Franz Josef Reinl-Stiftung 2013 - Composition, Vienna/Austria.
2012 IV Concurso Internacional Magistralia, Fundacion Magistralia, Oviedo/Spain - [1 among 51 submissions].
2011 In Nova Musica Competition, Centre cultural La Llacuna, Andorra la Vella/Principat d' Andorra.
2011 The 1st Ilshin Composition Prize, Ilshin Foundation & The Seoul Spring Festival, Seoul/Korea.
2010 The International Composition Competition 'Jesus Villa-Rojo', Guadalajara/Spain.
2007 The European Competition of State Conservatory of Thessaloniki 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece - [3 among 55 submissions].
2005 Brave New Works Composers Competition, Ann Arbor (MI)/USA - [2 among 156 submissions from 22 countries].
2004 The Temple Music Composition Prize, London/UK - [1 among 200 submissions].
2004 2003-2004 Season Crwth Composition Competition, The Alauna Ensemble, Swansea/UK.
2003 The International Competition for Original Ballet Music, ISCM World Music Days-Slovenia 2003, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
2003 The 5th Montserrat International Camera Music Composition Competition, The city council of Montserrat, Valencia/Spain.
2003 Theodore Front Prize, International Alliance for Women in Music, Maryland/USA.
2002 ACL Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize, 2002 Asian Contemporary Music Festival, Seoul/Korea.
[ 2 n d P R I Z E S ]
2011 Synthermia International Contemporary Music Competition, Municipal Theatre, Thermi/Greece.
2008 The 2008 Salvatore Martirano Memorial Composition Award Competition, Urbana (IL)/USA - [3 among 292 submissions].
2007 Dimitris Mitropoulos International Competition for composing, Athens/Greece - [3 among 55 submissions].
[ 3 r d P R I Z E S ]
2011 Composition Contest Franz Liszt for piano & orchestra, Weimar/Germany.
2005 CHAMBER MUSIC SEINAJOKI 2005 Composition Competition, Seinajoki/Finland.
[ M E N T I O N S ]
2018 The National Flute Association, Newly Published Music Competition, Honorable Mention, Soaring for solo flute-Tetractys Publishing.
2017 Etymos Ensemble | Call For Scores, Special Mention, Lucca/Italy.
2006 The Vanguard Premieres Choral Composition Contest 2006, Honorable Mention, Dearborn (MI)/USA.
2006 The 8th International Composer's Competition, Jihlava 2006, Honorable Mention, Prague/Czech Republic.
2005 New York Treble Singers 2005 Composition Competition, Special Mention, New York (NY)/USA.
2003 Look & Listen Festival Prize 2004, Honorable mention, New York (NY)/USA.
[ F I N A L I S T ]
2012 5th Johann Joseph Fux Competition for Opera Composition, The Province of Styria, Graz/Austria.
2009 Intercultural ONIX International Composition Competition, Michoacan/Mexico - [9 among 146 submissions].
2005 Pierre Schaeffer 2005, V International computer Music Competition (category: Instrument and tape), Pescara/Italy.
2005 University of Aberdeen Music Prize 2005, Aberdeen/UK - [5 Finalists among 400 submissions from 13 countries].
2002 Ensemble Eleven Young Composers Competition 2002, Manchester/UK.
G r a n t s / S c h o l a r s h i p s
Sungji Hong received a Young Artist Grant (2007) to give her portrait concert with Ensemble TIMF from Arts Council Korea and several travel grants from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Germany (2011), France (2010) and Ireland (2009) to attend concert series, portrait concert and festivals. While she was studying in England, she received a travel grant from the PRS Foundation and British Council. Also she has received full grants (course fee, Lodging and meals) to attend the International Mastercourse and Workshop in Herrenhaus (2009) and the 41st Darmstadt International Summer Course (2002) in Germany.
[ G R A N T S ]
2014 New Music USA, Project Grant, New York (NY)/USA.
Project Grant to compose a new work for flute and electronics to be performed by Carla Rees at the London Forge.
2011 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Germany, the Korean Cultural Centre in Berlin.
Travel Grant to attend the Weimarer Spring Festival for Contemporary Music 2011.
2010 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to France, the Korean Cultural Centre in Paris.
Travel Grant to attend the Festival Champs Libres.
2009 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Ireland, Travel Grant to work with the Ensemble Concord, Dublin/Ireland.
2006 Arts Council Korea, Grant for Portrait Concert, Seoul/Korea.
2003 The Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Travel Grant for ISCM World Music Days 2003, Seoul/Korea.
2003 The PRS Foundation and British Council, Travel Grant for ISCM World Music Days 2003, London/UK.
[ S C H O L A R S H I P S ]
2009 International Mastercourse and Workshop for conductors and composers in Herrenhaus Edenkoben,
Scholarship for the course fee, Lodging and meals in Herrenhaus, Edenkoben/Germany.
2003 CFAMC Scholarship, The Christian Fellowship of Art Music Composers, New York (NY)/USA.
2002 Scholarship from the 41st Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music, Darmstadt/Germany.
2002 British Chevening Scholarship, The British Council, Seoul/Korea.
2001 Vinson Award, The University of York, York/UK.
2001 BCC Scholarship, The Scholarship Foundation of BoonDang Central Church, Sungnam/Korea.
1999 Manson Award, The Royal Academy of Music, London/UK.
1999 Foundation Award, The Royal Academy of Music, London/UK.
1998 Leverhulme Composition Award, The Royal Academy of Music, London/UK.
C o m m i s s i o n s
2021 iSing Silicon Valley, New work for SSA a cappella to be performed in Palo Alto (CA)/USA.
2021 Sarah Watts, New work for Bass Clarinet and Electronics to be performed at the ClarinetFest 2021 in FortWorth (TX)/USA.
2020 Sarah Watts, New work for Bass Clarinet and Electronics to be performed at the ClarinetFest 2021 in FortWorth (TX)/USA.
2020 Texas New Music Ensemble, New work for Piano to be performed by Yan Shen, Houston (TX)/USA.
2020 Julia Carey, New work for Piano to be performed in Boston (MA)/USA.
2020 Aleksandra Panasik, New work for Oboe and Electronics to be performed at Usine Kugler, Geneva/Switzerland.
2020 Mark Broschinsky, New work for trombone to be performed by him during his recital in Mise-en Place Greenpoint, Brooklyn (NY)/USA.
2019 Fromm Music Foundation, New work to be performed by Ensemble SonoMania, Harvard University, Boston (MA), USA.
2019 Texas Flute Society, New work for the 34th Annual Myrna W. Brown Artist Competition, Denton (TX), USA.
2019 New work for Furman University Clarinet Ensemble to be performed at the South Carolina Music Educator Association Conference,
Columbia (SC)/USA.
2019 Sounds Modern, New work for flute and piano to be performed by Sounds Modern at the Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth (TX)/USA.
2018 The National Flute Association, New work for the 2020 NFA Young Artist Competition in Dallas (TX)/USA.
2018 Sarah K Watts, New work for Bass Clarinet to be performed by her during her recital in UK.
2018 Daegu Contemporary Music Festival, New work to be performed by Ensemble Mosaik at Chamber Hall, Daegu/Korea.
2017 Phidias Trio Tokyo, New work to be performed at Hall 60, Tokyo/Japan.
2016 UMS 'n JIP, New work to be performed at the Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich/Switzerland.
2015 Sounds Modern Trio, New work to be performed at the Voertman Hall, Denton (TX)/USA.
2015 The Music Department’s 50th anniversary weekend, New piece to celebrate 50th anniversary at the University of York, UK.
2015 The 10th Seoul Spring Festival, New piece to celebrate 10th anniversary in Seoul, Korea.
2014 Carla Rees, New work for flute and electronics to be performed by her during the Rarescale Concert series in London, UK.
2013 Lorelei Ensemble, New piece for women’s voices to be performed by Lorelei Ensemble in Boston, USA.
2011 Ensemble cross.art, New piece for their project “cross.art 400”! in Stuttgart, Germany.
2011 The Pharos Foundation, New work to be performed at the International Contemporary Music Festival in Nicosia, Cyprus.
2010 Carla Rees, New work for flute to be performed by her during the Rarescale Concert series in London, UK.
2010 Soyeon Kim, New work for her piano recital at the Salle Cortot in Paris, France.
2008 Kumho Asiana Cultural Foundation, New work to be performed by violinist Hae-Sun Kang at the Kumho Art Hall in Seoul, Korea.
2008 The 19th Takefu International Music Festival, New work to be performed by Next Mushroom Promotion.
2008 The Darmstadt New Music Festival 2008, New work to be performed by Duo Konflikt.
2007 Foundation for Universal Sacred Music - [6 Selected from over 100 proposals].
The Lord is my Shepherd to be performed by The New York Virtuoso Singers in New York.
2006 Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, New work for the Unsuk Chin's 'Ars Nova' Series at Sejong Chamber Hall in Seoul, Korea.
2005 Tongyeoung International Music Festival 2007, Monolithous to be performed by Masan Philharmonic Orchestra.
2005 Ensemble TIMF, Animato di piu for 8 instruments to be performed by Ensemble TIMF.
2004 Fromm Music Foundation, Harvard University, Shades of Raindrops to be performed by Ensemble TIMF.
- [10 Selected from 207 proposals].
2004 The International Isang Υun Music Society, Descending flow to be performed by Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin in
Konzerthaus, Berlin.
2004 Tongyeoung International Music Festival 2005, String Quartet No 2 to be performed by Arditti String Quartet.
2003 MATA-Music At The Anthology, Pater Noster to be performed by Vox Vocal Ensemble
- [4 Selected from 256 proposals].
2002 The University of York, The Light of the World -12 solo strings to be performed by the University Chamber Orchestra.
2002 Trio Mediaeval, Missa Lumen de Lumine - three women’s voices for their next CD release (ECM Record 028947630210).
2001 Sarah Watts, Formation of the Black Arrow-solo Bass Clarinet in Bb.
2000 Spitalfields Festival, Aube for13 instruments to be performed by Manson Ensemble.
2000 The Royal Academy in London for Arvo Part Festival, London/UK.
1999 Melinda Maxwell, The Annunciation-oboe and percussion for her CD release (Dutton CDLX7139).
P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e s
2021 Member of the Jury: ION Call For Scores-Verdigris Ensemble, Dallas (TX)/USA.
2021 Member of the Jury: University of Houston's 2020 Sarofim Composition Contest, Houston (TX)/USA.
2020 Member of the Jury: 47 compositions, Deus Ex Musica Composition Competition, Boston (MA)/USA.
2020 Evaluating Committee: 53 compositions, Atemporánea Festival, Buenos Aires/Argentina.
2019 Evaluating Committee: 20 compositions, ISCM WMD 2020, Korean ISCM Section, Seoul/Korea.
2019 Evaluating Committee: 38 compositions, Atemporánea Festival, Buenos Aires/Argentina.
2019 Evaluating Committee: 34 compositions, The 47th PAN Music Festival’s Call for Scores, Seoul/Korea.
2019 Featured composer: The SoundON Festival of Modern Music, La Jolla (CA)/USA.
2018 Faculty: Gyeonggi Philhamonic Orchestra Masterclass for conductors and composers, Suwon/Korea.
2018 Member of the Jury: 11 compositions, Gyeonggi Philhamonic Orchestra Masterclass, Suwon/Korea.
2018 Faculty: Daegu Modern Music Festival, Daegu Concert House, Daegu/Korea.
2018 Featured composer: Daegu Modern Music Festival, Daegu Concert House, Daegu/Korea.
2018 Artistic Review Panelist for Music: 5 compositions, The 15th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Limasol/Cyprus.
2017 Member of the Jury: 31 compositions, Ensemble Tongyeoung International Music Festival’s Call for Scores, Seoul/Korea.
Serve on the panel for Korean Composers Project ‘Asian Itinerary’.
2018 Chief Conductor of Seoul Junior Choir, Seoul/Korea.
2017 Chief Conductor of Seoul Junior Choir, Seoul/Korea.
2016 Artistic Review Panel: 20 compositions, The Late Night at National Sawdust, Chicago (IL)/USA.
Serve on the panel for an innovative new composer reading and concert series ‘The Late Night at National Sawdust’.
2015 Artistic Review Panelist for spring 2015: 105 applications, New Music USA, New York (NY)/USA.
Serve as Artistic Review Panelist for spring 2015 round of the project grants.
2011 Artistic Director of ‘Harmony of Greece & Korea’, Michael Cacoyannis Theater, Athens/Greece.
2004 Member of the Jury: The 6th Montserrat International Camera Music Composition Competition, Valencia/Spain.
2004 Member of the Jury: Juan Bautista Comes Competition, Segorbe/Spain.